It is a new year and many people self reflect realizing they want to better themselves physically and mentally. Unfortunately for many, the drive and motivation to train dwindles after only a couple of months. Here are five tips to help keep you on track.
#1 Be Realistic
A program may look perfect on paper but if it is not sustainable and realistic ….well just like the Metallica classic goes- “nothing else matters”. If someone is juggling a hectic family life, have numerous hobbies and work 40+ hours/week, they may need to forget about that super high frequency program that claims to add 50+ lbs to your squat in 8 weeks.
#2: Pay Attention to Fatigue Management
The amount of work that an individual can adapt and recover from is going to vary based on a lot of things. The strength, size and lifestyle of the lifter are just a few. Working with an experienced coach can go a long way when searching for that “goldilocks” volume range that is best for you. Taking your time and building yourself up with training that slowly gets harder over time will be most productive in the long run.
#3: Enjoy and embrace the process
Enjoying the process instead of only focusing on the end goal is going to help drive more effort into training and help produce better results. If your goal is to get strong but you hate squatting with weight on your back then why not do deadlifts, single leg work or front squats? Perhaps finding camaraderie training with some driven friends will be what really makes you excited to push yourself towards your goals.
#4: Be Flexible
Just adjusting the days you workout within a week is a fine way to deal with missing a session when no competition dates force you to perform on a certain day. Do not beat yourself up when things do not go completely as planned. Consistency will always be a better driver of progress as opposed to seeking perfection and continually losing your way.
#5: If it Hurts don’t do it
Certain exercises in the gym may be producing pain but that does not give the excuse to simply not train. Very often just changing the range of motion, reducing the load, or doing something comparable that does not produce pain is the answer to continued progress.
Coach Rudy